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WoodSolutions Webinar | Connections in mass timber bracing systems

We've been busy lately with various projects at TimberXP, which is exactly what we love to do! However, we also have a passion for spreading the word about mass timber.

That's why we were delighted to speak at the WoodSolutions Webinar Series about Connections in Mass Timber Bracing Systems.

Bracing is a crucial aspect of every project, and we always dedicate time to address its challenges.

During the webinar, we touched on several key areas, including design, connection, manufacturing, and installation.

A big thank you to Kylan Low for being a fantastic host and giving us the chance to talk at the webinar.

In case you missed it, here’s a link to access the webinar resource:

If you need any support with mass timber, feel free to get in contact with us. We're always here to help!


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